Bob Parry Estate Agents
“The Human Resources department of Cheshire Constabulary commissioned Krista Powell Edwards to design and deliver training courses for all staff (approximately 90) in the HR department, entitled ‘Achieving Excellent Internal Customer Care’. The programme was very successful and has enabled us to improve our customer service levels and benefit from enhanced relationships with customers in both qualitative and quantitative ways”.
“The feedback from those that met you was positive; they would feel comfortable with you working with their clients when suitable opportunities are identified. Those in attendance were pleased with your sample learning session.
Members of the team that met with you for the sample learning session said they liked your confidence, people skills and the energy and passion displayed. A member of staff said he was disappointed; you will be pleased to discover this was because he wanted the session to go on for longer than the time allocated as it was of genuine benefit to him.
The lack of PowerPoint slides was appreciated by the team who thought it allowed for more creativity and interest”.
CIPD Trainer Assessment Team