We have extensive experience of designing and delivering face to face and online events for CIPD members.
Topics that we have delivered include
- HR and Leadership
- How HR can influence managers to manage effectively
- How HR can have influence and impact
We offer a complimentary 30 minute meeting to discuss how we can deliver an event for your branch.
HR Case Studies
CIPD Hertfordshire Branch
Online Workshop
‘How HR can maximise their Impact and Influence’
Purpose: For HR professionals to understand how HR can maximise its impact and influence.
CIPD Central London Branch
Interactive Workshop
‘Being Personally Credible’
Purpose: To enable HR professionals to learn strategies to demonstrate their personal credibility
Wrexham Glyndwr University
‘It’s all about Recognition and Reward’
Purpose: For HR professionals to learn about factors that impact on workplace motivation and how to manage reward and recognition.