Coaching Case Studies

Senior Management Team

Purpose: to enable newly appointed senior managers to be effective in their new roles.

Our support included

  • Keeping the managers informed of leadership and management best practice, and future requirements of leaders and managers
  • Supporting each individuals personal knowledge and skill development needs
  • Designing and delivering bespoke ‘Insight’ Sessions (in a 121 or/and small group formats as required) to enable best practice knowledge and skills development
  • Facilitation of discussion session as required.

Middle Manager

Purpose: to enable the development of the employee’s competence and confidence to be effective in a role they had recently been promoted to.

Our support included

  • Discussing the job role requirements
  • Identifying the knowledge and skill requirements to be effective in the role via discussion and a training needs analysis
  • Support, coaching and training interventions in relevant areas including
    • Assertiveness
    • Dealing with Challenging situations
    • Managing workload and delegation

Senior Manager

Purpose: to enable a senior member of staff to be able to manage very disruptive challenging behaviours encountered in their role.

Our support included

  • discussing the issues impacting
  • identifying information that could assist the manager to deal with the situation
  • discussing the actions that the person could take to manage the situation so the person could continue to be a high performing and effective senior manager.

HR Professional

Purpose: to enable a HR professional to adapt their CV to be more relevant for senior management roles they were applying for.

Our support included

  • Reviewing the job description and the persons CV
  • A 121 online discussion about the persons capabilities and experience
  • Identifying ways the CV could communicate
    • personal credibility
    • be perceived as a match for the role and organisation.