by Susan Jeffers

If you are considering making big changes in your life and are fearful of doing so, this is the book to read.

It’s equally useful if you want a greater insight into the role fear has on your life.
In the introduction Jeffers states ‘this book will give you the insight and tools to vastly improve your ability to handle any given situation. You will move from a place of pain, paralysis and depression to one of power, energy and excitement’.

The book is split into 12 chapters:-

1. What are you afraid of … and why?
Chapter one identifies the three levels of fear. Level 1 fears are situational. Level 2 fears are inner states of mind. Level 3, the deepest fear is ‘I can’t handle it’ – ‘It’ being the issue/ factor/ event.

2. Can’t you make it go away?

This chapter explores the five truths about fear.

3. From pain to power
In this chapter Jeffers asserts ‘the secret in handling fear is to move yourself from a position of pain to a position of power’. There is a ‘Pain to Power’ vocabulary and suggestions on how to expand comfort zones.

4. Whether you want it or not… it’s yours
This chapter explores personal responsibility. Seven definitions of taking responsibility are given. Jeffers identifies seven ways to ‘reclaim your power’.

5. Pollyanna rides again
This chapter focuses on positive thinking, and its benefits in managing fear. Jeffers outlines a ‘Beginner’s intensive for positive thinking’.

6. When “they” don’t want you to grow
This chapter explores the impact of someone changing their attitude and behaviors to fear on other people: in particular, family and friends, and Jeffers offers strategies to manage these situations.

7. How to make a No-Lose Decision
In this chapter Jeffers discusses decision making and the differences between ‘no win’ and ‘no lose’ models. The steps to making a decision and steps to take after making a decision are outlined in the ‘no lose decision making process’.


8. How whole is your “whole life”?

Jeffers asserts that having a life that has several interest areas gives more balance. If there is an issue in one area it doesn’t impact as greatly as it would if there were only a small number of interest areas.

9. Just nod your head – Say “‘yes!”

This chapter recommends saying yes to the universe and Jeffers outlines a process to help the reader to say ‘yes’.

10.Choosing love and trust
In this chapter Jeffers identifies why to choose love and trust, by giving away thanks, information, praise, time, money and love. She gives a rationale of the benefits of giving away these things and  ways to do it.

11.Filling the inner void
This chapter looks at the impact of internal messages and how to manage the ‘chatterbox’ and tune into the ‘higher self’.

12.There is plenty of time
The final chapter looks at ways the reader can apply the information in the book.



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© Krista Powell Edwards 2021