How do you contribute to your credibility?
To enhance my public speaking skills, I’ve joined Toastmasters. In Toastmasters every speaker is evaluated using a set format. One of the areas evaluated is the speaker’s degree of comfortableness. When evaluating any speaker, the evaluator is asked to assess “How comfortable was the speaker”? What is ‘comfortable’? It’s not that easy to extrapolate into specific […]
Six Top Tips for Successful Communication
“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw. So how can you ensure your communication is effective? This article contains six ideas to use when communicating.
Quietly Confident
by Terry Gillen I’ve known the author for several years. He is an experienced author and trainer. I know he invests extensive time and effort into his training and writing so I was very interested to learn what he had to say in his book ‘Quietly Confident’. The sub title of the book is ‘How […]
Confident Communication Technique: Positive Language
One of the most useful confident communication techniques I have ever learnt is Positive Language. Positive language focuses on saying what you CAN do rather than what you CAN’T. This article explains how to use positive language.
The Power of Positivity – Being Resilient in a Challenging World
In the current climate it’s very easy to feel powerless. For most people feeling powerful comes from having a measure of control over life. So what can help during these challenging times? A positive mindset. In this article discover eight strategies to help you stay positive in a challenging world.
Feel the fear and do it anyway
by Susan Jeffers If you are considering making big changes in your life and are fearful of doing so, this is the book to read. It’s equally useful if you want a greater insight into the role fear has on your life.In the introduction Jeffers states ‘this book will give you the insight and tools […]
Communicate with Confidence
by Dianna Booher If you want just one book to assist you to communicate confidently when required, then this is the book for you. The book contains 1042 tips, with advice on how to manage every aspect of workplace communication. The tips are arranged into 23 chapters which cover specific communication skills, for example: ‘listening until […]
Confidence Boosters – 10 Steps to Beating Self Doubt
by Martin Perry This book is for ‘anyone whose natural talent and abilities are hampered by self-doubt. Itprovides a clearly structured route to building confidence and self-esteem’ I highly recommend this book for several reasons. It’s very easy to read. Each chapter is short with a mix of layouts, font sizes. It’s visually interesting with […]
Instant Confidence!
by Paul McKenna Confidence is perceived as the jackpot quality by many. “If only I had the confidence I’d…” is something I often hear. This book is an excellent introduction to, and overview of, confidence. It states that “If you’re ready to feel completely comfortable in yourself and finally achieve what you are truly capable […]
Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office
by Lois P Frankel Do you want to increase your influence and other people’s perception of your authority and power? If so, this book will help. The book identifies ways that many girls and women behave that are a result of their socialisation. “Nice” girls wait to be asked, expect their efforts will be noticed […]