by Judy Apps
This is essential reading for anyone who wants to improve their verbal communication. It focuses on how to use the voice to influence powerfully and communicate effectively.
We use our voice to communicate in many situations – in meetings, when making
presentations, on the telephone, in one-to-one or group discussions.
These are all opportunities to use our voice to communicate more effectively.
However our voice is a resource which is often under utilised.
As the author comments “Your voice is a tool of extraordinary potential benefit to
you and others around you”.
The book is split into five parts:-
Part one gives information about the voice and how it works.
Part two explores how we can speak effectively – voice production, information on
breathing, relaxation, voice resonance, articulation.
Part three deals with voice issues, for example, people not listening to you, not
being able to influence others as you’d like.
Part four examines the differences between speakers who are able to influence
powerfully and those who do not.
Part five brings the strands together, how the voice can express who one is,
discovering ones ‘true voice’ and from this how we can use our voice to influence
others powerfully.
The book is easy to read, an excellent mix of theory and practice, with lots of
examples, anecdotes, and stories.
It offers opportunities to develop the voice over time, focusing on specific vocal
areas, for example enunciation, as well as strategies to have a greater impact when
speaking more generally.
Example chapter ‘How can I sound more confident’? covers the following areas:-
- Well balanced posture
- Strong emphasis
- Firm endings
- A deeper voice
- Confident, articulate flow
- Use your body as well as your head
- Self belief and sense of purpose
- Change state – visualise
- Act ‘As if’
- Giving yourself permission to speak
This is a book for anyone who wants to improve their verbal communication.
There are lots of ideas and tips that can be applied immediately, as well as strategies to develop your voice of influence over time.
The book image links to Amazon*
© Krista Powell Edwards 2021